Albuquerque Coming Together

Professional Services results

Shared Vision
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"I am supporting Shared Vision because it is an effective and important organization that challenges and engages the public on key issues."
Brian Burnett, President, Bohannan-Huston, Inc.

"Shared Vision is a huge asset for our community. It adds value by giving citizens a meaningful role in governmental processes, building civic capacity in those who participate. Being on the board has been a personal growth experience for me."
Barbara Grothus, Artist

"When APS implemented the new education performance standards this year, the teachers were supportive, mainly due to the process of comment and buy-in that we went through with Shared Vision."
Liz Shipley, Chief Communications Officer, Albuquerque Public Schools

"Shared Vision today is a highly regarded, neutral facilitator of community discussions on important growth and other public issues."
Nadyne Bicknell, former City Councillor

"Thanks to Shared Vision for giving us this opportunity in democracy."
Barbara Seward, former Chairman, Bernalillo County Commission

"We need to move from the valuable information coming out of Shared Vision forums into a team that can build a future for our city that our grandkids will inherit…Shared Vision is the beacon to the future."
Bob McCabe, former City Planning Director

"Shared Vision town halls are first class events."
Susan Johnson, Environmental Planning Commission

"Shared Vision is the vehicle for hundreds of people to get involved in setting goals, which the City of Albuquerque departments are now following."
Lawrence Rael, former Chief Administrative Officer, City of Albuquerque; current Executive Director, Council of

"I appreciate the great job that Shared Vision did in holding a town hall with a fair debate on the critical issue of water resources."
Steve Harris, Rio Grande Restoration

"It was a pleasure working with you and your team on the water town hall. I received the report and thought you did a terrific job."
Maria Wolfe, Facilitator

"The diversity of opinion that you get in the work of Shared Vision is what will make progress in planning the future of this community."
Jim Baca, former Mayor

"I’ve been pleasantly surprised as we have more of these town halls, by how much public is getting involved. They have helped me as an elected official because it takes a lot of people to mold a workable solution."
Alan B. Armijo, former City Councilor; current
County Commissioner

"The report on the water town hall is awesome. I am very proud of the work and would recommend Shared Vision to anyone."
John Stomp, Water Resources Manager, City of Albuquerque

"Shared Vision has grown over the years to reach a high level of credibility in our community today that I couldn't have imagined ten years ago when it first began."
Anita Miller, Attorney, Land Use Law

"The (Shared Vision's).. public input process for Centers and Corridors has been great--inclusive and broad-based."
Eric Griego, City Councilor
(quote from ELUA meeting approving Centers and Corridors, January 2002)